How To: Tie A Snell Knot The Fast And Easy Way
One of the most common knots I use for my hooks when fishing live and cut baits is the Snell Knot. It is one of the strongest, most effective knots to use on any hook, but especially kahle and circle hooks, yet its one of the least utilized. It is actually a very simple and fast knot to tie with a little practice.
When tying any knot make sure you lubricate the line first. This will help the knot tighten completely and help prevent kinking. I’ve made a habit of going thru the point side (front) first with all knots because it’s essential for a snelled hook to work correctly. (Going thru the back of the eye will result in more fish missed than caught. Tie your buddies hook on this way to out fish them)
This will make the hook turn toward the lip of the fish for a high percentage hookup.
Go thru the front two times leaving a loop big enough to get at least three fingers in so the hook can pass through the loop. Hold tag end against the shank then start wrapping leader around shank and tag end three to five times. Be sure to start the wrap away from where the eye meets the shank to prevent your line being cut…..which will usually happen when you have the fish of a lifetime or “the money fish” if you’re in a tournament. Pull the tag end until knot starts to tighten, then pull main and tag at same time to cinch tight. Cut tag end from 1/8 to 1/4 inch.